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Playable Races
Antarok is a Plane of innumerable beings, from Mæn - Humanity, Ælves, Gnomes, and Dvergar, to the animal-like Sofontti, and even playable Dragons, Spirits, Undead, or the immortal Fae. Any of these dozens of options are available to play or operate as an NPC.
A playable race is defined as anything which is sapient that possesses a soul and free will, provided it is written here on the wiki.
Bloodlines with special abilities or variations on the races may be chosen at creation. |
Mongrels are the mixed offspring of any two races which can interbreed. |
Mænnish are a group of similar races comprising humankind, ælvenkind, dvergar, and gnomes. See Mænnish.
Human: Descendants of the Ælves, humankind are a muddy breed with a knack for opportunity. |
Æld'Norai: The immortal Æld'Norai are a zealous and spiritual people sworn to protect the great tree Ældrassil. |
Jin'Norai: Denizens of the city of Bast, brown-skinned Jin'Norai are the banished Ælves who found their place among the Galsterei of Arcanis. |
Cor'Norai: Fleeing exile to the sea depths of the sea, Cor'Norai are a race of Ælves granted Fathom by Lævos, the Arche of Lacon. |
Dvergar: Short and sturdy denizens of the Ur'Duun, Dvergar are a technospiritual race who sacrifice other beings for power. |
Gnome: Minuscule mæn who inhabit the Ur'Duun, the Gnomish people are masters of Artifice who modify their own bodies with prosthetics. |
Faefolk: From the Plane of of Ælphyne, the Faefolk are a capricious, callous bunch known for the natural Glamour they are each born with. See Faefolk.
Sidhe: The sociopathic Sidhe manipulate one another with their Shimmerdust in the Masquerade, a party that never ends. |
Pixie: Tiny with a twisted sense of humor, Pixies enjoy pranking others with their illusory Shimmerdust. |
Dryad: Tauric half-doe Fae, Dryad are Druids who lay down their lives in the defense of flora. |
Boggart: Ugly creatures gifted with the ability to shapeshift, Boggarts live their lives never showing what they truly are. |
Satyr: Pointy-eared men with horns and the lower half of a goat, Satyr are Druids who chase parties, good food, and alcohol. |
Inari: Tricksters who stole Seeming from the Boggarts, Inari survive by eating the livers of the living. |
Dragon: Dragons come in every shape or size, and they Govern, Seek, and Embody various concepts with their Grist. |
Krakon: Krakon are oceanic Dragons with the Grist-variant of Encaustum. |
Coatl: Deep Dragons of the Ur'duun, Coatl are serpents possessing the Grist-variant of Tetli. |
Kobold: Servants of dragons, Kobold sometimes leave their Dragonbarrows in search of purpose. |
Vokhai: Scattered throughout the realms, the Vokhai are the primeval denizens of Antarok, displaced by the expansion of other races; only recently have they banded together under the banner of Vokhazul and its nomadic warbands.
Ork: The ork is a work in progress. |
Trow: The trow are a work in progress. |
Goblin: The goblin is a work in progress. |
Gnoll: The Gnoll are powerful beastfolk belonging to a menacing horde, or else tribal woodland pacifists. |
Najda: The Najda are a race of slithering or bipedal reptiles who devour their prey whole. |
Sofontti: A myriad of intelligent animal-like people, Sofontti originally hail from the land of Kalevala.
Sofontti: Denizens of Kalevala, the Sofontti are a varied race of upright, mammalian beasts. |
Cambion are strange beings of Metaphor with souls, often owing their roots to other planes of existence.
Rakshasa: Originating seemingly from nothing, the sadistic Rakshasa are a secretive enigma resembling small adorable felines. |
Djinn: Cambion of Antarok, Djinn are beings who live as objects, especially tools, weapons, and Automata. |
Aeon: Cambion of Aarda, the Aeon are beings of light who watch over the procession of souls from within the sun, smiting impurities with their Radiance. |
Aarakora: Cambion of Céleste, the Aarakora are avian spirits who wield beauty in the secluded isles far above the world. |
Mithræ: Cambion of Æylune, the owl-like Mithræ descend from Æylune to preserve the stories of those on their deathbed. |
Knockers: Cambion of the Ur'duun, Knockers are crafty, inorganic beings who grow from sacrifice. |
Abyssal: Cambion of Lacon, the Abyssal are all manner of oceanic predator, known for consuming flesh as well as knowledge. |
Aranexi: Cambion of Arcadia, Aranexi are beings who live inside dreams and nightmares. |
Leshy: Cambion of Ælphyne, Leshy are mask-wearing forest spirits who are usually regarded as a good omen or lucky encounter because of their healing prowess, but may also eat a lost one in lieu of offering aid. |
Onryo: Cambion of Avernus, the Onryo are reborn out of regret and endeavor to resolve the attachments of their past lives. |
Daemon: Cambion of Gehenna, Daemons exist in an endless state of war amongst themselves, plying Faustian Bargains with Mystics for an edge. |
Haemora: Cambion of Caligony, the Haemora are twisted reflections of mortals repainted in cruel and callous colors. |
Undead: Souls drifting towards Avernus, and those prevented from passing on can consider themselves among the ranks of the living dead.
Draugr: Bound to their own bodies after death, Draugr experience a challenged life of slow decay. |
Dracolych: Dragons made into Draugr possess a command over death with their Geist. |
Ghost: Those who die suffer the slow burden of decay to nothing but ash, haunting what they held dear in life with Poetics. |
Wisp: The Æld'Norai Tether themselves to Ældrassil, becoming spirits of Saol. Even in death do they protect Ælheim. |
Endless: Souls unwoven by Nihilos, the Endless are the lowest form of being with a conscious. |
Antarok Handbook
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Races |
Races · Mongrels · Bloodlines |
Mæn [ Human · Æld'Norai · Cor'Norai · Jin'Norai · Dwarf · Gnome ] | |
Faefolk [ Dragon · Kobold · Inari · Sidhe · Dryad · Pixie · Boggart · Satyr ] | |
Vokhai [ Orc · Trow · Goblin · Gnoll · Najda ] | |
Sofontti [ Koira · Susi · Kettu · Jänis · Jyrsijät · Ilves · Näätäeläin · Karhu · Hirvieläimet · Villisika ] | |
Cambion [ Rakshasa · Djinn · Aeon · Aarakora · Mithræ · Knocker · Abyssal · Aranexi · Leshy · Onryo · Daemon · Haemora ] | |
Undead [ Draugr · Ghost · Wisp · Endless · Dracolych ] |
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