Saol originates from Ælphyne, representing the metaphorical force of life itself, and the sanctity of nature.
Life ForceThe most well known aspect of Saol is Life Force. All living creatures from beasts to people possess within their blood enough 'Life Force' to power magical biology known as Glamour. Saol is essential to the living. Without Saol - and thus Life Force - a body will struggle to maintain itself, and cells will cease to divide. Those who age do so because their body over time begins to experience failure with harnessing this natural force. The polar opposite of Life Force is Anima. NatureSaol represents the growth of nature and the sense of calm or unease of being in its presence. Fertility, for every living thing, is driven by the 'Nature' aspect of Saol. As one ages and the body fails to access Saol - and thus its aspect of nature - so too does fertility begin to wane. IgnoranceLesser known about Saol is that it calms and steadies the soul, directing it towards Ignorance. The living dead no longer possess Saol and thus experience life in a very different way, caring far too much and every experience through to its end. To be without Ignorance is to struggle with experiencing the bliss of being unaware or forgetful, and those with Glamour tend to foster highly aloof or melancholic personalities through time. Unspoken WaterWater and flora from Ælphyne is charged with Saol, yielding a calming effect to any who partake. The living dead import Unspoken Water and make tea from it which they pour into their ears, sinuses, and down their throats to calm themselves. Travelers visiting Ælphyne may struggle with the idea of leaving after dining there, feeling either melancholic or intensely calm depending on their personality. |
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