Below you will find summaries for the various forms of unnatural power known to the world.
Tangles are an invisible tapestry of aetheric ribbon woven into a soul, awakening it to the expression of magic. By drawing in Aether from the Aetherium and channeling it through their Tangle, a mage is capable of creating miracles at the risk of unraveling their mind, body, and soul. See Tangles |
Practices are a form of magic derived from the world around the mage, using planar Alkahest and the strange laws of reality to manufacture Artifacts or bend the universe to their desire. What a Practice can do is without limitation, provided the necessary materials are on hand. See Practices. |
Glamour is the ability to manifest unnatural power by channeling life force - Saol - through arcane-adapted biology. Some races including the Faefolk and Draconidae are born with the biology necessary to cultivate it. Magical creatures sometimes wield Minor Glamour to terrifying effect. See Glamour. |
Gnosis is a philosophical power cultivated through an organized faith derived from one or more gods imagined by a Prophet. The miracles of Gnosis are fueled by drawing upon the mass expression of a concept rather than the devout themselves. |
Sorcery is the term for unnatural power which cannot be classified in the usual way, often tied to metaphor and one's state of understanding or being, such as the undead. See Eldritch. |
Articles on Arcana
Definitions |
Arcana · Arcana List · Potential · Variant · Gramarye · Theorem · Planes · Metaphor · Ascension |
Practices |
Practices · Alkahest · Contrivances |
Galdr |
Galdr |
Glamour |
Glamour |
Welkin |
Welkin · Pact · Poetics · Blight |
Planes |
Aetherium · Antarok · Ælphyne · Avernus· Gehenna· Arcadia Aarda· Ur'Duun · Céleste · Lacon · Æylune · Læloch · Nihilos |
Metaphor |