The Planes of Antarok exist within what is referred to as the Godsdream, a collection of Godheads enforcing basic concepts which in turn allow for their own Plane of existence and its inhabitants to . . . exist, in a sense. The Godheads are not entities with thought - they are a nebulous thing without ego, felt and understood for its Metaphor, yet demanding nothing of the zealous.
Encircling the Planes of the Godsdream, the Aetherium is a place none save a Paragon can go and survive, for it exists outside the Metaphor that governs mundane existence. It is a boundless dream of endless, surging power that can be seen bleeding through the twinkling stars at night. The Aetherium is host to Aether, associated with possibility, power, and souls. Time does not flow in the Aetherium, meaning it cannot be travelled by mundane means.
The Plane where most stories will take place, Antarok is the very earth by which most mortal races live their daily lives, impugned upon by other, stranger things. Antarok is host to the Metaphor of Fabula, associated with stories, sound, and omens. Time flows at the normal rate in Antarok.
Found within the warm expanse of the sun, Aarda is where the souls of those without regret go to reincarnate. Aarda is host to the metaphor of Luxium, associated with the warmth, light, and hope. Time moves at a rate of 0.10x the normal speed within Aarda.
Far above the skies of Antarok and Ælphyne floats the isles of Céleste, home to the Aarakora. Céleste is host to the Metaphor of Aeris, associated with air, beauty, and freedom. Time moves at 0.50x the normal speed within Céleste.
The bright blue, living moon far above, Æylune is host to the Metaphor of Ardor, associated with cold, survival, and tradition. Time moves at 0.25x the normal speed upon Ilunæ.
Known as the Barren Moon, Læloch was once associated with the now nonexistent Metaphor of art, majesty, and envy. Destroyed by the Fae, it is a dead world, a pale and white sphere trailing behind Æylune. Time moves at 0.25x the normal speed upon Læloch.
Beneath Antarok and Ælphyne lies the Ur'Duun, comprised of never-ending expanse of caverns, tunnels, mine shafts, and railways winding deep into the earth and connecting the world above. The Ur'Duun is host to the Metaphor of Geomena, associated with earth, arteries, and ingenuity. Time flows gradually faster as one tunnels towards Ælphyne, between 1x and 8x, usually 2x for most areas beneath Antarok and 6x for most areas beneath Ælphyne.
The vast and mysterious oceans of Antarok and Ælphyne, the Lacon, are connected when one sinks deep enough beneath the waves. Lacon is host to the Metaphor of Imber, associated with water, secrets, and predation. Time moves at 1x above the Antarokian Lacon, gradually growing faster as one sinks down through the abyss, and rises into the Ælphynian Lacon where it flows 8x as fast.
All souls visit Arcadia when they dream. Arcadia is host to the Metaphor of Somnium, associated with dreams, nightmares, and wonder. Time flows at a variable rate in Arcadia set by the individual dreamscapes of souls, with no upper limit on how much time can be fused into moments.
Land of the Faefolk, Ælphyne is a dangerous place teeming with capricious beings that would sooner abduct and eat a visitor invited to dinner than befriend them. Ælphyne is host to the Metaphor of Saol, associated with life, nature, and ignorance.
Avernus is host to the Metaphor of Miasmata, associated with the afterlife, death, and unlife. Avernus is ruled by Onryo and powerful Ghosts who claim vast swathes of the realm with their Memorandums. There are pits to Gehenna, and time moves 16x as fast within Avernus so many Apparators and Exodii risk its dangers to traverse a bit faster.
Gehenna is host to the Metaphor of Anathema, associated with dissolution, shadow, and despair. An eternal war rages here between cannibals, automata, slaves, and Daemons within dunes and canyons consumed by volcanic soils and choking ash. Anything that dies here will eventually be reborn from a pit of tar as a Daemon to continue the cycle. Resources are incredibly scarce upon this crowded and violent Plane of eternal suffering; Draoidh cannot establish a Grove here without importing fertilizer for the soil which will surely be torched and burned by powerful raiders, and Apparators can only escape through heavily guarded pathways to Avernus. Only Anathemite can be found as Alkahest, with the rest obtained through Sundering magi or the dealings of Daemons with Mystics summoning them to other Planes. Time moves 32x as fast here.
An infinite nothing given awareness by existing without an end, Nihilos the Night-Father is a Plane of its own being, comprising the bounds of itself. Nihilos is host to the Pseudo-Metaphor of Absentia, associated with everything, nothing, and subversion. Time here flows only at the behest of Nihilos, bleeding into it through portals and access points and gradually fading as one gets deeper until it freezes.
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