Those with Gramarye have found for themselves an identity which is difficult to classify.
Gramarye is a term for every form of 'lesser' Arcana. Deriving benefit from a Gramarye may require spending a Minor Merit or Major Merit.
HistoryAntarok is home to all manner of Arcana, and a wide variety of potent personal powers capable of conferring unnatural abilities to those that wield them. Gramarye is the distinction used for so-called lesser forms of Arcana, borrowed powers that might hinge upon greater things or the natural workings of the world.
Obtaining GramaryeGramarye may be obtained through any method appropriate, as one would initiate into any Arcana. Some materials or components with a Challenge Rating may require spending Seasonal Points on obtaining. It is possible to start with Gramarye, and one does not need permission to pursue any of these unless otherwise stated in the write-up for that specific Gramarye.
Progressing GramaryeEach specific Gramarye comes with benefits and possible drawbacks, progressing along an XP track from Novice at 0 XP through at most Master at 250 XP just like a Skill. Notes: On your character sheet, include Gramarye progression in your skill ledger, like so: Saolbind: Dragonbound 0/250 XP and paste a copy or summary of the abilities for that Gramarye somewhere on your character sheet. Make sure you update your appearance with any aesthetic changes so your fellow authors don't have to read your Gramarye traits to figure out what you look like. Wild GlamourAvailable SaolbindsFörengsritA special bond shared between Æld'Norai pairs, see Förengsrit for details. DragonboundDragonbound is a special bond shared between a Dragon and a non-Dragon, usually its Dragon Rider. See Dragonbound. Available Beast MagicPlaceholderName - Description Available Flora MagicDeath's MistDeath's Mist creates magical, deadly poison from its namesake. CR5. GoetiaRituaaliPlaceholderName - Description Ash MagicPlaceholderName - Description ThaumaturgyMutagensServitorThe Servitor are special investigators tasked with hunting illegal Arcana within the Republic of Dullahan. EarthbindsPlaceholderName - Description Creating GramaryeCreating a new Gramarye in or out-of-character requires submitting a proposal to the Submissions Forum. Each should have at least a Minor or Major Ability, and a drawback if appropriate. Include how to perform the ritual if its a Rituaali or a Saolbind, and how the ability might be garnered otherwise. These might be quite simple, with just a singular Minor Ability included as part of its own development forum write-up. Be sure to reference which Metaphor the Gramarye will wield for its Spell Reserves. Gramarye which convey passive abilities require a Minor Merit, and those which yield an entirely cosmetic or detrimental change might not require any XP investment at all. Example XP - Abilities Track
This table is an example, not a rule. There can be up to 6 abilities or drawbacks in a Gramarye, often influencing or tying into other Arcana such as Dragonbinding. Most Gramarye are comprised of 1-3 abilities. TemplateNameLorem ipsum dolor sie amet. Appearance
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