Tǔhuā Lǎbā (Earth-Flower Horn), the dragoness who Governs Geomena, Seeks ivory, and Embodies flowers.
Referred to as Wang-Wu by the Jian and the Dragons who live amongst them - or ‘the Ten-Thousand-Things’ meaning all Saol and every discernable thing comprised of Planar Metaphor - Grist is the Glamour embodied by Dragons (and Kobold Shamans) to Cultivate an identity which they may then be channeled into miracles. Grist requires a Minor Merit to pursue.
HistoryAncient dragons catalyzed Grist within their bloodline long before the other races of Ælphyne had formed their own. Grist is often referred to by the Faefolk as ‘Primordial Glamour’ with jealous reverence. They once clashed with dragon-kind, banishing the majority of them from Ælphyne to Antarok in the Dragon-Faefolk Conflict.
IncitementIncitement - initiation into Grist - occurs when the Three-Among-Many are Cultivated by those with Grist throat-glands. They will have no sense for how any of this works as they begin, often undergoing a spiritual journey to find what they wish to Govern, Seek, and Embody. Once these three concepts are internalized, a spark of Oneness will blaze within themselves - a torch that will not easily be blown out. This will take a few hours of time beneath the tutelage of a wise dragon for some, while most will require a lifetime of experiences to catalyze a Three-Among-Many unique to them.
Throat-GlandsAs Grist is a Glamour, the throat-glands necessary to channel its spells are passed on from a parent to its offspring. Dragons and Kobold are all born with the ability to Cultivate their Grist. There are bloodlines with draconic ancestry, and half-breeds with Grist as well.
Notes: If the Gristled is undead, they will obtain the Geist variant of Grist. Until a Glamour organ is Incited, it does not require spending a Minor Merit to obtain. Mageburn SymptomsMageburn is rare for the Gristled as they must Cultivate their spells and rituals. Overuse and dilution of their Gristle will weaken the strength of their Cultivation, lead them astray from the Path to Oneness, and hinder their ability to Cultivate without burning even more Saol. Doing so may weaken their immune systems, inflame their vocal chords and afflict them with life-long mental illness or worse.
SpellsLike all Glamours, Grist uses the Metaphor of Saol to cast. CultivationGristled Cultivate to prepare their spells continuously rather than the standard way of casting them, expending Spell Reserves as they finish Cultivating rather than when they discharge the spell. They incorporate experiences, belongings, and environments relevant to their Three-Among-Many through focused pursuits of meditation, introspection, or labor as an artist seeks references for a painting until the spell is primed or finished. Cultivation may also be performed aimlessly without any intention or Life Force expenditure: there is a sense of moving towards a unification of the mind, body, and soul as one Cultivates - a Path to Oneness - and for most, this is well worth the effort
Inner AlchemyInner Alchemy is the ritual for how those with Grist Cultivate their Three-Among-Many to change themselves permanently, so slowly that only its difficult to observe. There are only up to three specific changes at a time: how what is Governed manifests in their body, how they sense what is Sought, and how what is Embodied shapes them and their diet; one use of Inner Alchemy accounts for up to three changes. This Cultivation Ritual is available from Novice.
Note: How your character uses Inner Alchemy should be detailed on your Character Sheet. This can be a total and exact transformation into the Embodied, a blend between them, or nothing at all. If you are feeling overwhelmed, consider ignoring Inner Alchemy until you are ready to explore it in-character. Inner Alchemy is learned at Novice. Governed BreathEach Gristled by Apprentice wield the Metaphor they Govern into a breathed spell, stored within their throats for exhale. Gristled may breathe this Governed Breath continuously until they burn through their Saol. The quality of any created object depends on relevant Craft skills known by the character.
Outer AlchemyObtained at Expert, Outer Alchemy is the ritual for projecting Inner Alchemy outward. This is a slow process which requires regular Cultivation, applying what is Governed, Sought, or Embodied to nearby objects and life in a similar manner to Inner Alchemy. The effect is semi-permanent so long as the Gristled is nearby, reverting gradually over the course of a month should they leave the influence of their Outer Alchemy and not return. Everything within a location can be altered at once, or only a specific type of thing at a time can be changed slowly through Cultivation; any form of willing resistance stops this altogether, and it is always the choice of a participant if they wish to change.
NatareUnique to wielders of Grist who are full-blooded Dragons, Natare is the freely available power for a dragon to idly swim within the air as if it were thicker like water. Their wings, fins, and the undulating, leading edges of their scales are used to move in this way. Flying or Swimming are the skills used for power and control, yet Grist accelerates this. The more massive and less aerodynamic a dragon is, the slower their Natare - many dragons favor long and serpentine-like bodies that make this process more efficient for them. This ability is functional no matter what they Embody, but certain species or combinations of dragon and animal - or race - will make it easier to 'swim' or fly. |
Skill Tiers
The oil of Gristle and entire throat-glands are often extracted from dragons and kobold for use by Practices, or willingly drooled out by them as an un-ignited Breath. Potent Gristle can take the place of equivalent Alkahest in creations, just as the organ itself might. This costs 5 Seasonal Points per Gram.
AlchemistryAlchemists can realign the Governed property of Gristle to change which Governed Breath it creates. ArtificingWhen used for Artifice, Gristle confers the Alignment of immunity to Outer Alchemy while gifting the Automata itself Natare, which possesses the flotation power of Aerisite without the benefit of a Flying skill. EnsorcellingGristle may be used to create a Governed Breath of the Metaphor originally Governed by the dragon. Rarely an Exalted Conjuration of Inner Alchemy will confer a sense for what was Sought, or transform the holder progressively into a form of life. If the oil donor still lives, a kind of pylon might be made from Gristle to extend the influence or reach of their abilities, or else Cultivate Outer Alchemy independently if powered by Alkahest. MaledictionStandard Transplant The verdure gland may be excised and then surgically implanted into another, but the surgeon must meet or exceed:
"I've met with a terrible fate, haven't I? - Adopting a hatchling abandoned by its mother. The whelp demands every piece of gold we have and asks that we collect flower nectar to feed her. So many butterflies. Our dog has grown butterfly wings - I am growing butterfly wings. We all have butterfly wings in this village. My beautiful Nuǎnjīn Húdié, will you leave your pile of treasure to guard us from the Gnoll with your dazzling breath of burning light?" - A Charitable Magistrate
Articles on Glamour
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Glamour |
Glamour · Wild Glamour · Animism |
Glamour [ Grist · Seeming · Shimmer · Draoidh ] | |
Variants [ Geist · Encaustum · Tetli ] | |
Gramarye [ Dragonbound · Förengsrit ] |