An overview of Mysticism. Mysticism does not require a Minor Merit to pursue.
HistoryA history of Mysticism.
DivinationA Mystic can sense the prevalence of Metaphor in a person or object. Initially they can only detect the strongest Metaphor, but eventually they will be able to assess the strength of every Metaphor within that individual. This is rarely ever more than a gut feeling when attempting to assess which Arcana someone has, yielding a clue rather than a guarantee. By analyzing Metaphor within people and ruling out possible reasons for its prevalence, a Mystic can get closer to uncovering actual truths, or simply develop a habit of avoiding specific kinds of strong Metaphor in order to mitigate risk.
ImmutabilitiesThe Immutabilities are basic facts about an individual or object which a Mystic at Master may deduce through their Metaphorics. Whether or not something has a soul within it, and whether or not it is alive. These Immutabilities are used as cornerstones for law and safety - it is difficult for the undead to blend in with society without SpiritismThe AfterlifeAcclimationAbility to perceive the discorporated. Spirit SongChanting a song which weakens spirits. Every order of canting will weaken nearby Poetics of that tier to the point of being harmless. Last RitesA ritual for assuring the dead pass on using the light of Luxium, allowing restrained Undead and Daemons to pass on and be reincarnated. Requires canting five orders of Luxium Sovereignty. Spirit OilAny oil or grease ritually by canting an expression of Luxium with five orders of Sovereignty. The oil emits a faint yellow glow, causing anything coated in it to glow in the dark. The substance allows any weapon or even the bare hands to harm ghosts and weaken the bodies of undead or Blighted. Any vessel coated with it will trap apparations within. Spirit Blood
Over time repeated use of Spirit Blood will waste away the body of a Spiritist. ExorcismRemoving a supernatural being from a victim of Possession. Involves ingesting spirit oil and canting an order of Luxium Sovereignty for each tier of Possession skill the spirit has. DaemonologyUnderstanding the procession of a Ghost to a Daemon, and how Daemons differ from Ghosts. BargainingCalling upon a Faustian to bargain with them. Requires being at a crossroads and canting an order of Anathema Sovereignty for each skill tier of Faustian desired. |
Skill Tiers
Variant - IlluminaryIllimunaries are those enlightened to the study of Blighted, which are normally unknown the world over. These cursed souls obscure themselves from study, murdering, manipulating, and politicking their way out of discovery and policing their own to prevent information from getting out. To be discovered as an Illuminary is to live with a target on ones back by Alítheia, a deeply entrenched Blighted conspiracy of puppeteering an entire world from the shadows.
Blight HuntingIlluminaries begin to discover the weaknesses and exploitable needs of the Blighted, developing techniques for shielding themselves from them. They begin to transition from prey to predator.
Articles on Welkin
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Welkin · Mysticism · Religion · Pact · Poetics · Blight · Gramarye |
Pacts [ Radiance · Crest · Nostalgis · Vemana · Fathom · Omnia · Somnis · Nimhea · Nekros · Faust ] | |
Poetics [ Syphon · Apparation · Possession · Remnant ] | |
Blights [ Null · Devorare · Scourge · Rusalka · Nightwalker ] | |
Variants [ Vitæ ] |