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Tǔhuā Lǎbā (Earth-Flower Horn), the dragoness who Governs Geomena, Seeks ivory, and Embodies flowers.


 Referred to as Wang-Wu by the Jian and the Dragons who live amongst them - or ‘the Ten-Thousand-Things’ meaning all Saol and every discernable thing comprised of Planar Metaphor - Grist is the Glamour embodied by Dragons (and Kobold Shamans) to cultivate an identity which they may then be externalized as miracles. Grist requires a Minor Merit to pursue.


Ancient Proto-Dragons catalyzed Grist within their bloodline long before the other races of Ælphyne had formed their own. Grist is often referred to by the Faefolk as ‘Primordial Glamour’ with jealous reverence. They once clashed with the dragon-kind, and banished the majority of them from Ælphyne to Antarok in the Dragon-Faefolk Conflict. Settling in the new world, the Elder Dragon Huǒxīyì Chī performed Outer Alchemy upon primitive beastfolken to create Kobold with Grist of their own.


  • Gristle: Grist is a Glamour derived from an arcane fluid rich in Saol called Gristle. This catalyst forms within a small organ surrounded by thyroid cartilage in the throat - the 'Adam's Apple' - which then circulates in trace amounts throughout the body, pervading the environment through perspiration or else congealed within the larynx for exhale.
  • Three-Among-Many: Through Saol, the Gristled possess a connection to three concepts which inform how Grist will manifest, and how it will influence their lives; one to govern, one to seek, and one to embody.
  • Governed - a Metaphor, aside from Saol itself, and Aether or Miasmata - the latter opposes Saol, and the former is too nebulous.
  • Sought - a mundane object, material, or artform to be hoarded or sought. Examples might include pastries, feathers, gold, smithing, or swordplay.
  • Embodied - one specific form of mundane life to embody - any breed of animal or flora they feel drawn towards. Examples are roses, tigers, a race of people, or blue jays.
  • Oneness: To be One is to be aligned with Three-Among-Many, in what is Governed, Sought, and Embodied. Grist influences others and its host towards this seemingly unattainable ideal. To achieve Oneness is to become an Aspect of Grist, a Meridian.
  • Temple: Grist suffuses the environment of the Gristled. Wherever they reside, they shall unconsciously manipulate their environment towards how they perceive the Three-Among-Many. This conveys a sense of territorial protectiveness or hermit-like laze, as leaving this environment or allowing the environment to be altered in any way that distances it from what is Governed, Sought or Embodied would detract from the comfort of its Oneness. Grist is like a double-edged sword that weighs heavily upon the mind of its wielder, weakening them if they choose to travel.


Incitement occurs when the Three-Among-Many are Cultivated by an individual with the requisite Grist throat-glands. They will have no sense for how any of this works as they begin, often undergoing a spiritual journey to find what they wish to Govern, Seek, and Embody. Once these three concepts are internalized, a spark of Oneness will blaze within themselves - a torch that will not easily be blown out. This will take a few minutes of time beneath the tutelage of a wise dragon for some, while most will require a lifetime of experiences to catalyze within themselves. Dragons do so without effort - for them, it is instinctual and profoundly sudden once they mature into Young Adults.


As Grist is a Glamour, the throat-glands necessary to channel its spells are passed on from a parent to its offspring. Dragons and Kobold are all born with the ability to Cultivate their Grist. There are bloodlines with draconic ancestry, and half-breeds with Grist as well.

Gristled skilled in Lore (Journeyman) can utilize Outer Alchemy to temporarily grant someone Grist by turning them into them into their favored animal and granting them the organ, but this will fade upon leaving the Gristled's Temple unless they Incite their Grist and then wield their own Inner Alchemy to retain the form; Gristled with flora as their favored form of life might instead offer the symbiotic plant-life necessary to Incite Draoidh and retain it. If trustworthy and powerful Gristled are scarce, a Maltrician may transplant donated throat-glands which may then be Incited. The ‘donor’ is usually a Kobold, or - sadly - a Dragon Whelp.

Notes: If the Gristled is undead, they will obtain the Geist variant of Grist detailed at the bottom of this page. Until a Glamour organ is Incited, it does not require spending a Minor Merit to obtain.

Mageburn Symptoms

Weaving the spells of Grist depletes Life Force from the body, and lessens the dragons hold over its Gristle. Overuse and dilution of this fluid will weaken the strength of their Temple, lead them astray from Oneness, and hinder their ability to Cultivate without burning even more Saol. Doing so may weaken their immune systems, inflame their vocal chords and afflict them with life-long mental illness or worse.

  • Lesser: Sore Throat, Fever, Headaches, Chills, Irritability, Weakness, Incessant Urges, Lethargy, Anxiety
  • Moderate: Asphyxiation (Inflammation), Panic, Narcolepsy, Powerful Urges, Aesthetic Mutations
  • Greater: Glamour Organ Failure, Coma, Schizophrenia
  • Become-Ten-Thousand: Seen as a fate worse than death by the Gristled and cautioned by parent to child, to Become-Ten-Thousand is to lose a hold on one's Three-Among-Many, by consequence inviting the 'Ten-Thousand-Things' of nature within. These tortured souls have become ever-changing beasts, warped by their Inner Alchemy to become all that they witness until they bleed through their Saol and die.


An overview for how the spells are seen and reacted to.

  • Cultivation - A 1-2 paragraph overview of the Trait. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. Trait is obtained at Novice Grist.
  • Inner Alchemy - A 1-3 paragraph overview of the Ability. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. Inner Alchemy is obtained at Novice Grist.
  • 'Breathe-The-One - A 1-3 paragraph overview of the Ability. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. This spell is obtained at Novice Grist.
  • First-Law-Temple - A 1-2 paragraph overview of the Trait. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. This trait is obtained at Apprentice Grist, and grows in radius for every subsequent rank.
  • Seeking-The-Three - A 1-3 paragraph overview of the Ability. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. This spell is obtained at Apprentice Grist.
  • Pardon-The-Pilgrim - A 1-3 paragraph overview of the Ability. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. This spell is obtained at Apprentice Grist.
  • One-Law-Journey - A 1-3 paragraph overview of the Ability. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. This spell is obtained at Journeyman Grist.
  • Outer Alchemy - Also known as ‘Zhǎoqián’ A 1-3 paragraph overview of the Ability. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. This spell is obtained at Journeyman Grist.
  • Deny-The-Many - A 1-3 paragraph overview of the Ability. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. This spell is obtained at Expert Grist.
  • Breathe-The-Two - A 1-3 paragraph overview of the Ability. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. This spell is obtained at Expert Grist.
  • Sacred-Temple-Rebirth - A 1-3 paragraph overview of the Ability. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. This spell is obtained at Master Grist.
  • Thousand-Year-Slumber - A 1-3 paragraph overview of the Ability. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. This spell is obtained at Master Grist.

Skill Tiers


With zero experience you are capable of very little beyond the limitations, instincts, and traits of your own biology and habits. You don’t really understand how you do what you do, and what little you are capable of is often attributed to things you do every day. Treat this with reasoning; someone who is a smith as their job would have a reasonably mean and accurate hammer swing, even as a Novice in their combat skills. You are not expected to always fail, but you’ll often struggle with situations out of the norm.


You've begun to understand the basics of the skill, and you might happen to know a few interesting facts about it. You are competent enough to operate this skill without issue as any other rank-and-file person in that trade might. Inventing something useful is still beyond your ability.


You are beginning to possess a regimented understanding of the skill. You might be able to repeat some wise words from your mentor or formulas from a book you've read. Your inventions without assistance struggle to hold water, often ending in failure.


You understand a large sum of theory and potential pitfalls with the skill. You can recall whole theorems of understanding, and you’re beginning to develop your own unique theory regarding its application. Your inventions can be useful after a few failures and refinements.


You understand almost everything about the subject in a conventional sense, and you’ve developed your own unique theory regarding its application. Your inventions almost always turn out useful.


Your understanding and ability has exceeded what can be considered mundane, and your theories often parallel metaphor. Your inventions often have some paranormal quality behind them that only Masters can begin to understand - even Grandmasters who try to replicate these designs fail at replicating it exactly.

Aspect: The Meridian

Becoming a Meridian

1-3 Paragraphs on how to become a Meridian. Becoming a Meridian requires the expenditure of a Major Merit.

Meridian Spells

An overview for how the abilities are seen and reacted to.

  • 'Third-Law-Empire - A 1-3 paragraph overview of the Ability. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. This spell is obtained at Novice Title.
  • Breathe-The-Three - A 1-3 paragraph overview of the Ability. Consequences should go in the second paragraph unless the trait is very simple. This spell is obtained at Novice Title.

Grist Variant: Geist

Much of the northern hemisphere is dominated by the Dragon-Queen Shēngsǐ Xuě, a Meridian who was reanimated by the Sidhe King Oberon in the Dragon-Faefolk Conflict and exiled to Antarok from Ælphyne as punishment for resisting Fae dominance. As the once jovial mother of Ælphynian Dragons fell into a melancholic slumber, the other Meridians who fled to Antarok became aware of how her power had twisted from Saol to Miasmata and cautioned the Flights to let her sleep forevermore.

To this day, nothing grows in Slahane, the frozen, dead north of Antarok, nor can life reproduce there - all are infertile within the Third-Law-Empire of a Geist Meridian. Shēngsǐ Xuě enables the undead of Slahane to age into their prime with beauty and without disease through Miasmata and Imber, affording them a resistance to the cold with veins of chilled water rather than ichor or blood. This does not change their crazed minds which remain much the same as any other Draugr.


Whilst Saol is diametrically opposed to Miasmata, Grist uniquely ceases to function as Glamour and instead becomes a form of Poetics once its host has joined the ranks of the living dead. Geist retains every capability as Grist, yet rather than influence living things, its Gristle influences the dead and risen - any being or object animated by Miasmata or else in possession of it - towards Oneness. A Meridian who Breathes-The-Three of Miasmata will inflict sudden undeath upon any who come into contact with it.

‘Conception’ specifically cannot happen within the bounds of a Geist’s influence - everything affected is infertile. Flora will cease to proliferate, and the land will become barren. It has no idle harm upon the already pregnant nor a fertilized egg, however.

  Note: Lore still remains the Theorem for utilizing and understanding Geist and its history, though someone skilled in Occultism would at least know the fable of Shēngsǐ Xuě and thus the existence of Geist.

Acquiring Geist

Geist belongs exclusively to the domain of the living dead which cultivate Miasmata within themselve; Geist shares its Spell Reserves with other disciplines of Dominion, rather than Glamour. Only the corporeal undead which are implanted with the organ of Grist or those Dragons and Kobold who are brought back from death as Draugr will possess this variant. A player is free to play as a Geist provided they are corporeal undead. Being a Meridian is not required to obtain Geist - Novice Geist do exist.

Articles on Glamour


Arcana · Arcana List · Theorem · Metaphor · Ascension


Glamour · Wild Glamour · Animism
Glamour [ Grist · Seeming · Shimmer · Draoidh ]
Variants [ Geist · Encaustum · Tetli ]
Gramarye [ Dragonbound · Förengsrit ]

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