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Seasonal Points

From Antarok
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☰ Starting Guide

Seasonal Points


Seasonal Points (SP) are used to represent special rewards earned in the stories we tell. They are spent on various things beyond what a Player Character's Living Standard might allow, earned by each Player Character every season based on a sum derived from their skill levels and Duties.

  • You must write out a story obtaining the item by whatever means: theft, purchase, inheritance, adventuring loot from an old ruin, what-have-you.
  • You must create a write-up with the full scope of abilities and properties of any crafted items obtained with SP. This write-up will be attached to the story summary where you obtain it, and the thread must be canonized before you may add the crafted item to your character sheet.
  • You are welcome to obtain or craft items within Memory threads using SP for use in non-ongoing threads as you wish.

You automatically qualify for Seasonal Points once you have made an in-character post that season. Calculate your SP using the formula below, and then subtract what you would like to spend it on. Post this result to the Seasonal Points thread.

Seasonal Points do not carry over from one season to the next, only the rewards you purchase with them. You are welcome to spend a little at a time throughout the season. If you retire your character, any of your spent Seasonal Points will be subtracted from the character you retired to that season; exceptions may be granted for self-contained purchases.


Your Primary Skill is your highest skill level, conferring Base SP per tier of skill:

Novice 1, Apprentice 2, Journeyman 3, Expert 4, Master 5, and Grandmaster 6.
  • Base SP: 1 SP per Primary Skill Tier, up to 6 at Grandmaster.
  • Multiplier Base: 100x
  • Bonus: +5 Multiplier/Each Journeyman Skill
  • Bonus: +10 Multiplier/Each Expert Skill
  • Bonus: +20 Multiplier/Each Master Skill
  • Bonus: +30 Multiplier/Each Grandmaster Skill
  • Bonus: +10 Multiplier/Each Prior Season of Play where you were active on any of your characters.
  • Bonus: Merited Duties such as governance, factions, and businesses can increase the Base SP or SP Multiplier.
Example: You have 2 Expert Skills and 2 Journeyman Skills. Your Primary Skill is one of those Expert Skills (4 SP), and your Secondary Skills are the other Expert Skill, as well as the two Journeyman Skills. On top of your base Multiplier of 100, this equals 120 Multiplier. 120 Multiplier x 4 Base SP = 480 SP. You would then spend this 480 SP on rewards to include in your threads for the season.

Price List

Bonus Experience

Up to 25 additional Bonus Experience may be obtained per season at a rate of 1 XP for 10 SP, if under 1,000 Bonus.


Ask the author before Sundering or slaying a written NPC, and a City Moderator if Sundering or slaying an unwritten NPC with Master or greater Arcana; remember to respect any rules for written NPCs. Sundering or slaying must be roleplayed during a thread to be valid.

Crafted Items

SP may be used to purchase crafted items in lieu of a PC crafting them. You supply Alkahest, magical reagents, and other materials that are valid for your Living Standard. Any material from the same purchase such as Alkahest may also be expended to justify finding or looting items made with that material. Master and Grandmaster-tier items must be created by players instead of SP; they may be created with

  • Trade Skills cost 10 SP per tier of involvement starting with Journeyman. CNPCs lower the price to 5 SP per tier.
  • Theorem work costs 100 SP per tier of Theorem involvement. CNPCs lower the price to 50 SP per tier.
  • Practice work costs 100 SP per tier of Practice involvement. CNPCs lower the price to 50 SP per tier.
  • Personal Arcana costs 100 SP per tier of Personal Arcana involvement, such as contributing a spell for use in Ensorcelling. CNPCs lower the price to 50 SP per tier.
    • Alkahest may have its Metaphor changed by an Alchemist for 3 SP per Gram; a Journeyman Alchemist CNPC may do so for 2 SP per Gram, while a PC may do so for 1 SP per Gram.
    • Alkahest may be combined into the next tier by an Alchemist for 1 SP per Gram; a Journeyman CNPC may do so for 1/2 the price, while a Journeyman Alchemist PC may do so for 1/3 the price rounded down.
  • Exceeding one's Living Standard standard to obtain a finished mundane item costs 10 SP.
  • Gunpowder costs about 5 SP per shot of a non-Airshot gun; cannons cost 25 SP per shot.

Exalted Conjurations

Exalted Conjurations must be reactivated with equivalent-tier Alkahest every 91 days from their activation. They will replenish their Spell Reserves weekly until this time is up.


  • Land independent of other systems such as Duties may be purchased from a City Moderator at a rate of between 1 to 100 SP per acre based on its location, with their permission.
  • Trading one's own Living Standard property for another at their current or new Living Standard may be done freely once per season.
  • Purchasing an additional home without acreage according to one's Living Standard costs 20 SP.
  • Exceeding one's Living Standard to obtain a higher quality home costs 100 SP.


  • Magical and medicinal healing is handled by Living Standards or for free through plots.
  • Minor Malediction modifications such as aesthetic changes cost 25 SP per tier of skill,
  • Major Malediction modifications such as implanting Glamour organs or appearing as another race costs 50 SP per tier of skill.

Hired Hands

Hired Hands are an alternative to the Formations system, optionally used to serve as protection, Labor, or business functions tied to Duties. They can be anything that makes sense: slaves, paid labor, mercenaries on retainer. They do not need names, only a mention of their composition, race, and a summary of what they are being used for. They do not have any Merits, and any additional skills would upgrade them into a different form of Non-Player Character.

  • One person with Novice skills may be hired for 20 SP each. These are treated as a yearly replenishing unit.
  • One person with 1 Apprentice skill may be hired for 100 SP each. These are treated as a yearly replenishing unit.
  • One person with 1 Journeyman skill may be hired for 250 SP each. These are treated as a yearly replenishing unit.
  • One person with 1 Expert skill may be hired for 750 SP each. These are treated as a yearly replenishing unit.
  • One person with 1 Master skill may be hired for 2000 SP each. These are treated as a yearly replenishing unit.

CNPC Experience

CNPC characters may be given the following once each. You can use these on Merited Arcana provided you have paid for the Merit; you cannot pay for Merits or Cantrips this way. Dungeoneers may also offer these as awards an additional time per Dungeoneer. To upgrade one of these to an unoccupied tier, pay the difference needed; Dungeoneers may do the same.

  • 25 XP in a basic/advanced skill for 100 SP. This may be forwarded to another CNPC if they die.
  • 50 XP in a basic/advanced skill for 250 SP. This may be forwarded to another CNPC if they die.
  • 100 XP in a basic/advanced skill for 750 SP. This may be forwarded to another CNPC if they die.
  • 250 XP in an advanced skill for 2000 SP. This may be forwarded to another CNPC if they die.


  • Exodii service would cost 100 SP in order to portal to another country or Plane. You may enter Seasonal Points debt to do this, and pay it off the next season.


  • All encounters of CR5 or CR6, Adult Dragons, or Elder Dragons require SP to derive any tangible benefit from them. This costs 810 SP for CR5 or Adult Dragons, or 2,430 SP for CR6 or Elder Dragons.
Tangible encounter benefits refers to some mix of Beast Magic, a hide that is as strong as or stronger than steel, a Seeming form, a Raised minion, capture to possess, or taming as an Animal Familiar. You may otherwise encounter, kill, and interact with CR5 Fauna and Adult Dragons freely. CR6 Fauna or Elder Dragons require going on a quest with a Storyteller, or a Dungeoneer with permission from one.
Any participating CNPC or Player Character with Fieldcraft if hunting above ground, or Deepcraft if hunting below ground will confer a non-stacking discount of 10% per tier of skill beginning with Apprentice-level skill, up to 50% at Grandmaster. This represents hunting or tracking the fauna with advanced knowledge of it or its environment.
You do not need to purchase an encounter when benefitting from CNPC dragons you do not kill, Player Characters, or Transfiguration. This is an intended benefit of Seeming.

Antarok Handbook

Rules of Play

Terms of Use · Rules of Play · Starting Guide · Experience · Merits · Skills · Skill List

Seasonal Points · NPCs · Duty · Formations · Dungeoneering · Challenge Rating

Threads · Calendar · Living Standards · Travel · Rebirth


World History · Nations · Technology · Language

Arcana · Arcana List · Religion · Planes · Metaphor · Alkahest


Races · Mongrels · Bloodlines
Mæn [ Human · Æld'Norai · Cor'Norai · Jin'Norai · Dwarf · Gnome ]
Faefolk [ Dragon · Kobold · Inari · Sidhe · Dryad · Pixie · Boggart · Satyr ]
Vokhai [ Orc · Trow · Goblin · Gnoll · Najda ]
Sofontti [ Koira · Susi · Kettu · Jänis · Jyrsijät · Ilves · Näätäeläin · Karhu · Hirvieläimet · Villisika ]
Cambion [ Rakshasa · Djinn · Aeon · Aarakora · Mithræ · Knocker · Abyssal · Aranexi · Leshy · Onryo · Daemon · Haemora ]
Undead [ Draugr · Ghost · Wisp · Endless · Dracolych ]
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