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Sofontti Races



Sofontti are a species located primarily in the region of Kalevala, hidden territory north of the land. They are split into multiple species of animals that existed in the region's fauna. They vary from predators to prey animals. They are considered 'the Blessed ones' as a result.

Children of the Dragons

The sons and daughters of many dragons are those who have chosen the path of enlightenment when their god, Tapio, offered it to them. Uplifted and gaining a soul, they became known as Sofontti, meaning "intelligent being." They were blessed with alterations to their biology and an intelligent mind, elevating them above the lowly animals they evolved from. Those that refused the blessing of Tapio have chosen to remain as animals and are now hunted for food or taken care of as domestic beings.

Basic Information


Unlike an animal, Sofontti can stand up on their hinds, possess higher intelligence while having more dexterity in their fingers. Each of them possesses the senses, instincts, and natural weapons of the animal they are based on. They can drop down to all fours and move as an animal for a quick burst of speed at the cost of stamina and a great difficulty with holding things while doing so.

Genetics and Reproduction

While Sofontti can reproduce, they cannot hybridize with one another- instead, the offspring will be of either race, each species having a different litter size. Estrus for most species begins in early spring. Newborn Sofontti are small, blind, and deaf, dependent on nursing from their mother to survive. They mature at the same rate as a Human, entering adulthood at 18 years of age.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Sofontti species have formed packs, herds, prides and similar groups. These family units often consists of members of the same branch and their spouses and offspring with a leader chosen from among them. The clans are known to have multiple of similar family units banding together to form a clan consisting of one species. They will act together in a usually homogenized society. Through times these have evolved into Petty Kingdoms where a county has come together to form from one type of species or combination of many different species together.

Each Clan will consist of a Leader, which carry a title of Chief or High Chief, from a dynasty with either Gavelkind succession where the offspring of the Chief succeeds after the death of the previous leader, or an elective succession where the leader is chosen by the heads of different families through vote.

Average Intelligence

Higher intelligence than feral cousins, ability to understand and comprehend philosophy and complicated topics, memorize and pass that knowledge onward, keep vocal records, adapt and overcome challenges and difficulties.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Sofontti use Iron Age-based technology, kept this way through interference by their gods. They know how to use basic tools, create pottery, construct simple structures and walls, craft weapons, refine bronze and iron ore and craft bronze and iron tools and weapons, irrigate land and modify their surroundings, build longboats and use simple navigation, raise and care for animals, hunt, and farm.

It is rare to find Sofontti traveling far away from their land, but occasionally travelers might've come across a merry band of Sofontti who have set out to explore the world beyond their homeland.


Sofontti are hard working individuals with strong hides and understanding of the difficult terrain and land that they inhabit. They're known for being sturdy warriors capable of defending their land. They are known from being able to cultivate and change their land to live in it. Cold, harsh winters and short winters are a constant reminder of their life. These challenges had made the Sofontti durable and hard working species.

They worship their Gods, and hold Bears as the ultimate divine animal. This includes worship and small actions of prayer to seek blessing when hunting, gathering or going to a war.

Interspecies Relations

Sofontti live in clans which are predominantly one species, while diplomacy between them is commonplace. Smaller amounts of every species will live together even in the territory of a dominant clan, though there are occasional conflicts between rival species. Predatory species have tensions with herbivorous ones, while wolves tend to distrust foxes in general. In spite of these differences, the Sofontti of Kalevala share the same religion, language, and similar cultural pillars.

When foreign invasions amass at the borders of Kalevala, the Sofontti clans will rally together under one banner to fend them off.

Interspecies Marriage

Sofontti will marry their sons and daughters with members of another species to form unions between the different clans. Attraction between the different Sofontti species varies individually and anatomical differences can make matters difficult or off-putting to either partner. The offspring that results from these are often either of the parent species. Hybrids are not possible.

The Sofontti cannot have offspring with races which are not Sofontti, except for races with dominant genetics like Inari, Dryad, and Gnoll who can sire or mother their own race with Sofontti as a partner.

Sofontti Abroad

Rarely, Sofontti will travel to see more of the world, or sell their goods as traveling merchants. However, this is very rare and many will see them as a novelty, constantly turning heads and being accused of Shapeshifting by the ignorant.

Social Issues

Away from Kalevala, the Sofontti are routinely discriminated against, and many nations treat their kind as slaves or pets. Magi commonly experiment upon Sofontti, and the Doggi are a result of this. Warped lineages of Barghestti Sofontti without thumbs are trained from birth and sold as luxury steeds, and many will only ever meet Doggi and these cowed slaves, knowing not that an entire nation of them exists in the cold north.

Mænnish culture commonly condemns coupling with Sofontti- a practice referred to as Sofomy- and its offenders Sofomites.



A woman using an enslaved Wolvetti Barghestti as a steed.

The Barghestti are enlarged versions of Sofontti without thumbs, no longer capable of balancing for long upon their hind legs. On average they are at least twice as tall and long as their traditional race, with the caveat that their emotions are now heightened to the point of easily going berserk without at least Expert-level Meditation. Barghestti are created by Animists through a ritual which entails mixing a Crystal worth of Saolite or Gristle with the blood of that Sofontti, feeding them this, and then canting in a way that expresses their generations of Embodiment woven into their souls while they are restrained.

This is a slow change. In the coming weeks, the Sofontti will fall feverishly ill, and a third of the time they will simply die. If they do make it through this process, their bodies and minds will be warped forevermore.
Important: Kalevalan Sofontti do not know how they can subject each other to this ritual as their gods consider it to be forbidden knowledge. Their gods- dragons- might on occasion perform this ritual upon one of their shaman, and Barghestti emigrating to Kalevala are expected to work towards becoming shaman themselves.

Sofontti Races


Koira: Kept by Mæn as servants, pets, and slaves, called Doggi by others are a devolved form of Susi altered by humankind to be loyal.


Susi: Large, upright wolves native to the land of Kalevala, Susi are known for their sense of justice and military prowess.


Kettu: Upright foxes native to Kalevala, Kettu are shrewd merchants and talented archers.


Jänis: Upright hares native to Kalevala, Jänis are talented tradesmen.


Jyrsijät: All manner of upright rodents native to Kalevala, with a knack for spying and survival.


Ilves: Upright lynxes native to Kalevala, Ilves are a roguish race of thieves and sellswords.


Näätäeläin: All manner of upright mustelid native to Kalevala, Näätäeläin are Saukko otters, Näätä martens, and Ahma wolverines.


Karhu: Upright bears native to Kalevala, Karhu are a deeply spiritual people known for Animism.


Hirvieläimet: All manner of upright cervidaes native to Kalevala, Hirvieläimet are Peura deer, Poro reindeer, and Hirvi moose.


Villisika: Upright boars native to Kalevala, Villisika have a talent for farming.

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