Antarok follows a lax moderation structure. Anyone can pursue the role of Storyteller for whatever reason they may have.
We believe collaborative play, even if private between two players, is still collaborative, and one should strive to make friends and grow as an author to create positive mutual exchanges.
Storytellers ‘Dungeon Master’ stories and site events with other players, earning experience for one of their characters as they do so. Each Storyteller has a permissions biopic, the forum for which can be found WIPLINKhere. These detail the regional and faction leaders, gods, locales, Primes, et cetera by which they are certified to play in their stories. Storytellers do not enforce rules. They are players seeking to tell stories similar to a Dungeon Master, and will be rewarded for taking their time to do so, nor are there any activity requirements to maintain the position.
Storytellers may not moderate threads where their own player characters are present. They are expected to encourage other Storytellers to run the plot like anybody else.
Moderation Consequences
Storytellers are free to establish ground rules for the story, but know that while Storytellers are authorized to maim or kill a player character, that player always has the option to render that part of the story as non-canon by withdrawing from the thread. We ask that Storytellers be respectful of these decisions, and as a moderator you always have the option of turning down further stories with those who are not a good fit for your moderation style and vice versa. Moderating is a social agreement, not an obligation.
Permission Certification
Every subject which would be typically reserved for moderation requires a permission certification be attained by the Storyteller. These are obtained by requesting to interview a Lorekeeper or Head Storyteller for them. Certifications are an acknowledgment that the community trusts them to portray and moderate the material accurately enough.
Lore Accuracy
It’s important to note that we don’t expect accurate portrayals of every character. We simply want to keep some semblance of verisimilitude within the setting itself. Fantasy is subjective and not every portrayal is going to be accurate, and we understand that. Anything which is found to be incorrect will usually be referred to as unreliable narration.
Lore Development Work
Storytellers interested in development work may propose write-ups for the topics they are certified in. They may propose changes to existing lore, create new wiki entries for arcana, new races, and even gods or locations. This can chafe with the creative direction of the site, so these contributions may be given a collaborative editing process to bring them on par with the themes of Antarok.
Storyteller Types
Not every Storyteller is the same. Some have different responsibilities than the others, or a differing outlook on how they wish to moderate.
Public Storytellers
Public Storytellers are the standard variety. They want to DM for their community by facilitating stories or helping individuals to pursue their goals.
Private Storytellers
Private Storytellers belong to a group of people that simply wish to help their friends pursue collaborative goals, or focus on lore development without the expectation of running stories and plots for others. Feel free to encourage your friends to apply for this position and vice versa.
Head Storytellers
Head Storytellers are responsible for overseeing the lore, calendar, and events of an entire region by working together with other Storytellers. They are usually someone with lots of certifications, and are often tasked with facilitating larger plots and regional change.
Head Storytellers may also administer certification tests for the topics they are also certified in.
Event Coordination
Out of character events may be coordinated by Storytellers, rewarding players for going above and beyond standard play. These are usually small incentives, such as 10 XP or up to 1000 Gold. More often, we prefer to reward knick-knacks in the form of seasonally themed items and materials. Magic wands, curiosities, Alkahest shards, and fantasy materials that foster creativity are our usual fare. Storytellers may apply to run their own events WIPLINKhere.
Lorekeepers handle administration; player moderation, game rules, and role promotion. They may also function in the same capacity as a Storyteller.