Depending on the setting, a PC may expend Minor or Major merits in order to acquire Titles that confer unto them various benefits. Like with other Duties, a player may only have one Merited Title at any given time and they may not have both a Title and an Enterprise at the same time.
- The cost of an individual Title will be listed next to that respective Title on its relevant page, and the Title must be tied to the Player Character's skills to utilize this system, not a CNPC's.
- PCs and CNPCs may acquire titles without Merit or XP expenditure for purposes of plot.
Modifier |
Highest Skill |
Second Highest Skill |
+1 |
Apprentice |
Journeyman |
+2 |
Journeyman |
Expert |
+3 |
Expert |
Master |
+4 |
Master |
Grandmaster |
+5 |
Grandmaster |
For example, let's say Eirun has a Titled position within Ælheim’s offensive military branch (Fjælle Kniver) where the highest skill she has is Draoidh at Ascendant (5) and the second highest is Espionage at Grandmaster (4); her Title is therefore worth 9.
She would add the above value onto his SP multiplier as follows:
- 6 (Draoidh / Ascendant)
- 9 Title
- 100 - Base
- 0 - Active Prior Seasons
- 60 - 2x grandmaster skills
- 80 - 4x mastered skill
- 80 - 8x expert skills
- 15*320 = 4800 SP
Minor Merit Title Track
Over time, a PC may choose to further invest XP into their Title. A Title may have up to 1000 XP.
- Every 50 XP invested adds 15 to a PC's SP multiplier.
- Every 250 XP invested adds an additional 30 to a PC’s SP multiplier up to 750 total.
- Reaching 1000 XP invested total adds 60 SP to a PC’s SP multiplier.
To track this, please add a line on your Skills Sheet/Table where you will record the amount of XP invested. As an example, let's say Eirun has invested 1000/1000 XP into her Title.
Her SP formula would now look like this:
- 6 (Draoidh / Ascendant)
- 9 Title
- 100 - Base
- 0 - Active Prior Seasons
- 450 - Title
- 60 - 2x grandmaster skills
- 80 - 4x mastered skill
- 80 - 8x expert skills
- 15*770 = 11,550 SP