An Ensorceller is doing his thing.
An overview of Ensorcelling. Unlike Personal Arcana, Ensorcelling is a Theorem and does not require a Minor Merit. Achieving Grandmaster in Ensorcelling is a Minor Merit and will confer Dominion just like any other mundane skill.
EnsorcellingA brief history of Ensorcelling |
ToolsEnsorcelling is distinctly separate between industrious and tribal or nomadic cultures. Countries with strong infrastructure favor the Sorcerer's Pen, while those who have no such thing or a strong cultural attachment to their roots favor the Sorcerer's Knots.
TechniquesTapestryEnsorcelling tapestries of knotwork or inscribing glyphs onto a medium, and affixing them with spells. ConjurationFueling or enacting a Tapestry spell from Willpower, Aether, or Life Force. Burning Alkahest as fuel is referred to as Hedge Sorcery. CoercionCoaxing a spell to borrow from a different metaphor while remaining mostly the same. This allows the spell to be conjured by a different power source. LayeringEnsorcelling a Tapestry in such a way that lower tier Conjurations can be transcribed atop higher ones. This is done by weaving a knotwork or glyph with descending patterns of power, and then weaving a Conjuration into each beginning with the least.
PatternsCopying a Tapestry onto another medium. ProductsGrimoireA Grimoire is a large collection of Conjurations and Talismans bound into a book, or else woven into massive braids called Grimlocks that may or may not be woven into hair and tails. As an Ensorceller fills out their repository of spells, they develop a relationship with it; more precisely, it forms a relationship with them, responding by flipping to desired pages or yielding braids for Conjuring with a wave of their hand. It might be called to the hand from several feet away as a Grimoire or else be used as a counterbalance during feats of acrobatics in the case of Grimlocks.
TalismansCharging a Tapestry with Conjuration only tasked with energy, sapping energy by that same source and degree of power (or less) on contact before fizzling out. These are typically sold as talismans, but might be inscribed into other mediums such as armor by tradesmen.
ScrollsWands & Staves |
Skill Tiers
The Talisphere: The first Prime Magister of Dullahan wisely commissioned every Master Ensorceller in his country to construct a sphere of Layered Wards unlike any known before it. The artifact rests in a grand cathedral square within the Political Quarter of Empire, fueled by magi dominated by state Maltricians and winding Alkahest mines spiraling deep into the earth. Should any Ascended mage with far reaching talons attack the empire, the Talisphere will limit some of the damage.