
From Antarok

Character Duties


A 'Duty' is an umbrella term that covers PC endeavors which garner enough influence to affect the world around the PC or give them substantial enough power to warrant affecting a PC's Seasonal Points, such as Titles or Enterprises.


To be expanded.

Depending on the setting, a PC may expend Minor or Major merits in order to acquire Titles that confer unto them various benefits.

For mechanics regarding Titles, see Titles.

For requirements to acquire specific Titles, see the following:


An Enterprise is a game mechanic for anything resembling a business, job, or the like; it can range from something akin to a small, family owned operation to a large, multifaceted organization.

See Enterprise for details.

Alkahest Mines

Alkahest Mines are Duties which generate Alkahest but do not increase a player's SP generation.

  • Exceptions exist for narratively flavoring Alkahest Mines as other ventures.