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Dragons speak verbally. Their scales and teeth are as tough as metal, but an arrow or a spear can still wedge between them. It is the massive size, life force, and knowledge of a dragon, and how it uses its Grist, that determines its strength.

Much of what a dragon can do stems from simply being old enough to have survived many trials. They often wield several Arcana, and some of the more intelligent ones may be Ascended. While rare, when a powerful and wise dragon decides to invade this often means mass devastation for entire civilizations.


All Draconidae have have access to the Glamour of Grist, located within the apple of their throats.

Life Force Predation

Dragons may steal the very age of other dragons by slaying them and then feasting on their life force. The most powerful dragons are truly ancient, and dragons slowly grow boundlessly in size with time.

Anyone with the power of Grist can become a full-blooded dragon of the age they’ve slain by absorbing its life force through the organ, expending the proper Merits if any as XP debt. Eligibility includes Dragons, Kobold, and those who are part-draconidae or else part of a Bloodline with Grist. While rare, Maltricians may implant themselves or others with Grist to then absorb the powers of a dragon.


Dragons tend to be distant from mortal concerns; most of them drift between interests and obsessions. Some of them are self-absorbed, and others are playful with little understanding of social norms for the isolated lives they lead. The age of an adult dragon can leave them feeling detached. They are prideful and solitary, so it is rare to see more than one dragon united over a common goal; they will usually see another's quarrel as theirs alone and will not rise to the defense of other dragons unless they are told to do so by the eldest of them.

Each dragon has a strong instinct to hoard something, be it wealth, power, friends, or even something more unusual and specific. Dragons can sense Grist in others, so they often allow kobold and those with draconic heritage to serve them. Most dragons live their lives exclusively with other dragons and kobold servants in nests of many hoards called Dragonbarrows. Not every dragon is wise; most of them are tribal savages that operate on instinct unless the stories of their elders have shaped how they interact with mortals.


Dragons speak Draconic if they do speak a language. This is a language of harsh, growled words and slow consonants. Some of what they communicate is entirely body language, and some of the context for their statements is given over a frequency that only those with Grist can understand. They tend to be straightforward yet thorough in their speech, but this is not always the case. Two dragons can communicate fighting words without speaking. Dragons who live amongst other races will most assuredly pick up other languages.


Dragons are quadrupedal reptiles, usually but not always covered in rigid scales. Some of them are long and spindly, while others are rotund and fat. A dragon comes in all shapes and sizes, with age dictating the upper bounds of its size. A dragon may or may not have wings.


Every individual dragon is unique, shaped in appearance through its age and Grist. A dragon that exists in relation to metaphor will begin to exhibit the traits of those concepts; for instance, those who eat a specific kind of prey or material will begin to exhibit traits of its preferred food source, and those who obsess over machinery will begin to look like their creations, or even the kin they share their barrow with. A dragon which has slept atop a bed of moss for years will sometimes begin to exhibit moss as part of its hide, or their colors might darken from weeks of depression. Even their general physiology might change from being bulky to thin and long, possibly even smaller and bipedal, even fully humanoid to better exhibit concepts associated with the society they are a part of.

It should be noted that aside from losing natural advantages such as scales or size, and whether or not a dragon has wings, these traits are mainly aesthetic outside of direct manifestations of Grist. Dragons are constantly evolving, often growing unrecognizable to all but those with Grist as well.
Dragons which have become Draugr retain the ability to predate Life Force, converting it to Miasmata within themselves to advance their bodies. Their Grist will also become Geist, and their bonuses to Life Force will instead apply to Poetics - which they may now learn as an Adult Dragon. As they are Draugr, Syphon is a free merit for them.

Life Stages

  • Egg -
Dragons begin as an egg. Their Grist will need to settle from being bathed in a concept for about a year, otherwise the egg will remain dormant for centuries without hatching. Warmth is irrelevant, and only the females feel an instinct to protect their young at this stage.
  • Whelp - 17 Years or Less, 6" to 3’ tall.
A Whelp is between the size of a raven, to that of a large dog. Its scales are soft yet as durable as bone, and they are quick and flighty at this stage of life. They can fly, but tend to flutter and cannot soar for long distances. They are usually one among hundreds, competing for limited resources or preying upon each other; only the strong survive. This sometimes drives them far from their Dragonbarrow where they are captured by other races and raised as pets or slaves. Primitive Dragons tend to care only about the successful among their brood, praising the best and condemning or even disowning those who routinely fail to impress.
  • Young Adult - 18-99 Years, up to 7’ tall.
A Young Adult Dragon is up to the size of a large horse. Its scales have grown to be tougher, similar to copper, while their Grist has begun to shape their form according to how they live. They are no longer attacked by dragons of their own nest, and they have begun to form a hoard, the nature of which may change over time.
  • Adult - 100-799 Years, up to 20’ tall.
The adult dragon may be taller than three men standing upon each other’s shoulders, their size enough to loom over the average single storied home. Their scales are equated to sheets of iron. Something so large and well protected might only need instinct to crush and bite someone too brazen with expert-level combat skills, but a spear might give them trouble. Adult dragons also have an edge with Glamour due to their higher sum of life force; they are able to use half again as many expressions compared to other races without tiring.
  • Elder - 800-7999 Years, up to 60’ tall.
Elder dragons are oft tall enough to loom over the walls of small castles. Very few places can contain them, their natural strength capable of smashing most forms of stone and common metal without any combat skill at all. Their scales and teeth are thought to be as tough and durable as steel, yet thicker than the traditional plate armor. Elder Dragons can use twice as much Glamour as any other. Similarly, they could rend such material apart with tooth and claw.
  • Ancient - 8000 Years or More, up to 120’ tall.
The Ancient Dragon is a beast of lore. Only perhaps a dozen exist in the entire world of Antarok. Many of them spend their time slumbering among a hoard of treasures, resolving disputes between their kin, or instructing the younger generations. Some have lived so long that they care little for conquest, power, or wealth as they have likely attained all they could have ever wanted, and others spend their days chasing knowledge for the sake of understanding. Their scales are supernaturally impervious to all but the most potent forms of harm, and their minds can speak so loudly as to make lesser mortals writhe in agony. Most troubling for those who would try and fight them, their boundless life force allows them to use even Expert-level Glamour seemingly without end.

Playing a Dragon

You may begin play as a natural-born dragon without approval. Understand that many cultures fear or resent dragon-kind, and their size leaves them dependent on magic or special social customs afforded to them should they wish to interact with the mortal races of Antarok. A dragon who destroys their surroundings will be met with retribution by the populace.

Your starting age is limited to 750. This means you can begin play as a whelp, young, or adult dragon.


  • A Whelp may be played without penalty, and may unlock Grist as a Minor Merit.
  • Beginning play as a Young Adult Dragon is a Minor Merit and requires unlocking Grist.
  • Beginning play as an Adult Dragon is a Major Merit which may be spent during character creation as XP debt.
You may also expend a Major Merit during play to become an Adult Dragon without approval, provided you can logically slay an Adult Dragon and possess the Grist necessary to absorb its life force.
  • To become an Elder Dragon, you would have to expend another Major Merit during approved play through the act of Life Force Predation
  • To become an Ancient Dragon, you would need to expend yet another Major Merit during approved play through the act of Life Force Predation.
Example: To begin play as an Adult Dragon, expend a Minor Merit for having been a Young Dragon, another Minor Merit (25 XP) for your Grist,  allocate the remaining 225 XP as you wish, and then begin with up to 250 XP debt for the Major Merit.
