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Carraig / Giarrac

From Antarok
Wielded by Terrar'i, Carraig / Giarrac is a Cantrip used for resisting rock and metal, or making things weak to them.
Cantrip: Fuar / Ruaf
  • Arcana: Terra (Aether)
  • Races: Dwarf
  • Fauna: None
  • Flora: None
  • Minerals: None
  • Alkahest: None
  • Behaviors: Carraig provides entities or objects with a notable resistance to minerals and metals. Giarrac makes them vulnerable to these.
  • Carraig works against the harmful impacts of minerals like stone and metals, or the non-chemical consequences of granular powders like mining dust and desert sands.
  • Minerals and metals with Carraig are much more difficult to manipulate with spells / effects except by their creator. This includes attempts to change the Frequency of an object with Apparate.
  • Carraig may be overwhelmed by excessive amounts of stone volume, or high velocities of such. As a rule of thumb, thrice-casted Lithomancy / Metallurgy of the tier one is immune to will begin to crush and pierce an entity or object with this Cantrip.
  • Conditions: Carraig is only active within or when held by Galsterei, during dusty weather, or within the Ur’Duun. Giarrac is only active in Galsterei, in urban areas, or in Céleste.
  • Channeling: Terra
  • Chronology: Hours Boon / Minutes Hex
Gnosis of Fuar
Tier Description
Ridhinne Entities or Objects will be favored by earth, so dust will not cling to them, and those who lay upon rocks, metals, and sands will feel comforted by them.
Novice Novice-tier Lithomancy / Metallurgy or similar spells and mundane, harmful events utilizing minerals and metals feel negligible.
  • Soft metals / minerals like chalk, sandstone, or copper will have a harder time scratching, piercing, cutting, or bludgeoning the Entity or Object circumstantially or while within the hands of a Novice.
Apprentice Confers immunity to harm from Novice-tier Lithomancy / Metallurgy or similar spells and mundane, harmful events utilizing minerals and metals such as small stones, and may not be structurally manipulated by up to Apprentice-tier effects except by the one who imbued this Cantrip.
  • Soft metals / minerals like chalk, sandstone, or copper will have a harder time scratching, piercing, cutting, or bludgeoning the Entity or Object circumstantially or while within the hands of a Novice.
Journeyman Confers immunity to harm from up to Apprentice-tier Lithomancy / Metallurgy or similar spells and harmful events utilizing minerals and metals such as a falling fist-sized rock or small stalactite, and may not be structurally manipulated by up to Journeyman-tier effects except by the one who imbued this Cantrip.
  • Harder metals / minerals like iron and quartz will struggle with scratching, piercing, cutting, or bludgeoning the Entity or Object unless within the hands of an Apprentice combatant.
Expert Confers immunity to harm from up to Journeyman-tier Lithomancy / Metallurgy or similar spells and harmful events utilizing minerals and metals such as a falling boulder or a large stalactite, and may not be structurally manipulated by up to Expert-tier effects except by the one who imbued this Cantrip.
  • All mundane minerals or metals including the toughest of them like steel and basalt will struggle with scratching, piercing, cutting, or bludgeoning the Entity or Object unless within the hands of a Journeyman combatant.
Master Confers immunity to harm from up to Expert-tier Lithomancy / Metallurgy or similar spells and harmful events utilizing minerals and metals such as a 7 ½ foot radius of sliding rock or a cave-in, and may not be structurally manipulated by up to Master-tier effects except by the one who imbued this Cantrip.
  • Most magically potent (up to 2x steel toughness or equivalent sharpness) minerals or metals will struggle with scratching, piercing, cutting, or bludgeoning the Entity or Object unless within the hands of an Expert combatant.
Ascended Confers immunity to harm from up to Master-tier Lithomancy / Metallurgy or similar spells and harmful events utilizing minerals and metals such as a 20’ radius of falling rock or a violent collapse of earth, and may not be structurally manipulated by up to Ascended-tier effects except by the one who imbued this Cantrip.
  • All minerals or metals like steel and granite will struggle with scratching, piercing, cutting, or bludgeoning the Entity or Object unless within the hands of a Master combatant.
Porosis of Ruaf
Tier Description
Ridhinne Entities or Objects will struggle to stay clean, taking on an appearance that never quite rids itself of dirt which will resist being entirely removed without staining; entities will feel discomfort or soreness from attempting to rest on minerals or metals, unable to fall asleep upon them without notable sleep deprivation or lethargy.
Novice Experiences harm or discomfort from Novice-tier Lithomancy / Metallurgy or similar spells and events utilizing minerals and metals as if they were twice against them.
  • Metals and minerals will have a much easier time piercing, cutting, or bludgeoning the affected Entity or Object provided it is made of something no tougher than copper, reducing its material toughness to that of a soft wood.
Apprentice Experiences Novice-tier Lithomancy / Metallurgy or similar spells and events utilizing minerals and metals as if they were cast at a potency of a tier higher.
  • Metals and minerals will have a much easier time piercing, cutting, or bludgeoning the affected Entity or Object provided it is made of something no tougher than regular iron, reducing its material toughness by one tier.
Journeyman Experiences up to Apprentice-tier Lithomancy / Metallurgy or similar spells and events utilizing minerals and metals as if they were cast at a potency of a tier higher.
  • Metals and minerals will have a much easier time piercing, cutting, or bludgeoning the affected Entity or Object provided it is made of something no tougher than regular steel, reducing its material toughness by one tier.
Expert Experiences up to Journeyman-tier Lithomancy / Metallurgy or similar spells and events utilizing minerals and metals as if they were cast at a potency of a tier higher.
  • Metals and minerals will have a much easier time piercing, cutting, or bludgeoning the affected Entity or Object, reducing its material toughness by one tier.
Master Experiences up to Expert-tier Lithomancy / Metallurgy or similar spells and events utilizing minerals and metals as if they were cast at a potency of a tier higher.
  • Metals and minerals will have a much easier time piercing, cutting, or bludgeoning the affected Entity or Object, reducing its material toughness by two tiers.
Ascended Experiences up to Master-tier Lithomancy / Metallurgy or similar spells and events utilizing minerals and metals as if they were cast at a potency of a tier higher.
  • Metals and minerals will have a much easier time piercing, cutting, or bludgeoning the affected Entity or Object, reducing its material toughness by three tiers.