Alkahest is the magical reagent used by Arcanists and Alchemists for the manufacture of magical substances and Artifacts.
Tones: Alkahest has tonal arcane potential associated with a Metaphor. If one could see magic by way of arcane glass or Psychism, these Tones would glimmer like stars along the ground, threads of Aether in varying length and thickness emanating from the material and arcing back down similar to a magnetic field made from arcane energies. See Tones
Alkahest condenses down into subsequently more powerful, more dense versions of itself. Materially, Alkahest share many chemical properties with gold, including softness and density without the tampering of its presentation by an Arcanist.
- 1 Gram of Dust
- Novice Manifestations
- 10 Grams of Dust
- Apprentice Manifestations
- 100 Grams of Dust
- Journeyman Manifestations
- 1000 Grams of Dust
- Expert Manifestations
- 10000 Grams of Dust
- Master Manifestations
- 100000 Grams of Dust
- Grandmaster Manifestations
Alkahest is mined in small amounts from regulated Alkahest Quarry. Dust may also be sieved, sorted, and separated from surface regulith - common soils and sands found anywhere - or the Alkahest-rich sands obtained from panning and dredging rivers using Alchemistry. The Tone of the Alkahest retrieved depends on the location it was mined; Esprit Alkahest would be obtained from the site of lightning strikes and the refined rock of volcanoes, and panning rivers or beach sand would yield Satura Alkahest. These operations usually yield about 2 grams of Dust per day per tier of the worker's Mining skill.
Alchemists may grow Alkahest of any Tone using a solution made from an equivalent number of Aetherite grams, provided they have some dust of the original. Ten grams of Dust will create a Sliver. A Sliver and ninety grams of Dust will condense down to a Shard. Nine hundred grams and a Shard will amount to a Crystal. To create a Sphere, one would need nine thousand grams of Dust and a Crystal. A Globe, ninety thousand and a Sphere. Dust of a sufficient number of grams is also therefore equivalent to that level of power. Alchemists may also dissolve pieces of Alkahest down into Dust and subsequently purify any Tone into Aetherite.
An Alchemist must have an equivalent level of skill to safely condense Alkahest at that tier. For the full rules and process, see Alchemistry.
Alkahest in all its forms is benign and stable until worked via a Practice. Insufficient Meditation skill for handling a Discharge may lead to a runaway reaction, shedding minor manifestations of its associated forces before shattering like a bomb.