
From Antarok

Religion in Antarok

The Godheads

Andormu, Godhead of Aarda

Associated with the warmth, light, and hope.

Aolu, Godhead of Céleste

Associated with air, beauty, and freedom.

Anok, Godhead of Antarok

Associated with stories, history, and change.

Ukhu, Godhead of Ur'duun

Associated with earth, arteries, and ingenuity.

Triton, Godhead of Lacon

Associated with water, secrets, and hunger.

Somna, Godhead of Arcadia

Associated with dreams and nightmares.

Mimira, Godhead of Ælphyne

Associated with life, nature, and beasts.

Hypnea, Godhead of Pandamonium

Associated with the afterlife, death, and unlife.

Balor, Godhead of Gehenna

Associated with dissolution, exchange, and despair.

Other Gods

Nihilos, The Night-Father

   Nihilos: Many cultures share the aeons-old mythos of the sky fading to a world of pitch black, the light of Aarda snuffed out for seven days as a being of the infinite nothing descended from the Aetherium. Referred to as 'Nihilos' or 'The Stranger' by those who are aware of its existence, and the 'Night-Father' by its faithful, it attempted to devour the Godheads all at once before it fell into their dream and became an infinite plane of its own timeless being. The Night-Father is Absentia. The Night-Father is Absenth itself.

Protea, the God-Dream

   Protea: Protea is the hypothetical God of the Aetherium, dreamer of the Godheads and therefore the true god above all. No proof has ever been found of its existence nor is its name common to literature. Most faithful are adamantly against the idea of a higher power than their own god, and the scholars who have tried to prove its existence are laughed away into obscurity. Those faiths that do acknowledge it say that Protea is the Aetherium itself.
