For any world, the economy is vital. Most nations have their own sort of trade and currency that functions within their nations. However, precious metals are the common currency that is valued anywhere they are used.
There are three denominations in this system. These are, from smallest to largest: copper, silver, and gold.
Coppers are small, rectangular pieces of metal, about an inch and a half by half and inch in size. On one face they have the seal of where they were minted at, and on the other face they have the date. They are quite plain compared to the other denominations, and are usually used by urchins and beggars. There are 10 coppers in a silver
Silvers are more embellished than coppers, though are about the same size at one and a half inch in height. They are triangular with serrated edges to prevent them from being shaved then used. Like coppers, they have the seal of where they were minted on one side, and the date on the other. This coin is the currency of the middle class. Commoners might make a couple silvers a week. There are 10 silvers in a gold.
Gold is the highest denomination of currency in this system. They are round coins with serrated edges like silvers. Like coppers and silvers, these also have the seal of where they were minted on one face. However, on the other face they may have the visage of someone who helped provide the gold to be minted. This is the currency of wealthy merchants and the aristocrats. Most commoners would never see a single gold except in passing.