
From Antarok

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The first races of Antarok were the elves. A traditional and spiritual people, they drew upon fonts of great power to sustain themselves through eternity.

Fast Facts

  • Population: 50,000,000+
  • Lifespan: Mortal: 80 to 100 Years; Immortal: Indefinite
  • Height: 5 ft. to 8 ft.
  • Weight: 90 lbs to 300 lbs.
  • Racial Ability: Varies.


The elves are thought to have been born from the Aeon, but the true origin of how they came about is lost to time. Elves are truly ancient.



Both the Ald'Norai and Jin'Norai speak Elvish. The Cor'Norai speak Elvish above land, and a similar language called Watersong beneath the waves.


The beastfolk Arath'i are also descended from elves.