Wielded by Fulgurists, Tine / Enit is a Cantrip used for resisting the heat or making things hotter.
Cantrip: Tine / Enit | |||
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Gnosis of Tine | |||
Tier | Description | ||
Ridhinne | Entities or Objects will feel warm to the touch, but not to themselves.|- | Novice | Novice-tier Pyromancy / Fulguratio or similar spells and mundane, harmful events utilizing flame and electricity feel negligible. Subtle changes in temperature will not cause discomfort. |
Apprentice | Confers immunity to harm from Novice-tier Pyromancy / Fulguratio or similar spells and mundane, harmful events utilizing flame and electricity. Ignores the mild discomfort of a noticeable rise in temperature, nor will such temperatures cause Objects to grow hot. | ||
Journeyman | Confers immunity to harm from up to Apprentice-tier Pyromancy / Fulguratio or similar spells and harmful events utilizing flame and electricity. Ignores the significant discomfort and numbness of temperatures warm enough to cause heat stroke, nor will such temperatures cause Objects to grow hot. | ||
Expert | Confers immunity to harm from up to Journeyman-tier Pyromancy / Fulguratio or similar spells and harmful events utilizing flame and electricity. Ignores the severe discomfort, immobility, and numbness of temperatures hot enough to cause first degree burns. No longer develops heat stroke from any form of hot weather. | ||
Master | Confers immunity to harm from up to Expert-tier Pyromancy / Fulguratio or similar spells and harmful events utilizing flame and electricity. Ignores the effects of all but the most severe hot weather or molten chamber. Those with thick skin may swim through molten magma, or travel through the Plane of Aarda. | ||
Ascended | Confers immunity to harm from up to Master-tier Pyromancy / Fulguratio or similar spells and harmful events utilizing flame and electricity. Ignores the effects of all hot weather or subterranean heat, and may travel through molten magma or the Plane of Aarda without consequence. | ||
Porosis of Enit | |||
Tier | Description | ||
Ridhinne | Entities will feel as though everything is warm while Objects will slowly add body temperature when held or worn, aiding in comfort within cold climates while adding to the risk of heat stroke in hot weather. | ||
Novice | Experiences harm or discomfort from Novice-tier Tine / Enit or similar spells and events utilizing flame and electricity as if they were twice against them.
Subtle changes in temperature will cause discomfort; Objects warm more quickly than others. | ||
Apprentice | Experiences Novice-tier Tine / Enit or similar spells and events utilizing flame and electricity as if they were cast at a potency of a tier higher. Experiences mild discomfort as though a noticeable rise in temperature had occurred; Objects remain quite warm to the touch unless directly cooled. | ||
Journeyman | Experiences up to Apprentice-tier Tine / Enit or similar spells and events utilizing flame and electricity as if they were cast at a potency of a tier higher. Experiences enough discomfort from room temperatures that they will put on a sweat and eventually develop heat stroke; Objects are so hot as to confer a first degree burn if pressed to the skin for several seconds or more. Small flames rise from the surface of an Object. | ||
Expert | Experiences up to Journeyman-tier Tine / Enit or similar spells and events utilizing flame and electricity as if they were cast at a potency of a tier higher. Experiences enough discomfort from room temperatures that they will immediately put on a sweat and develop heat stroke within minutes unless exposed to a method of cooling; Objects are so hot they stick to flesh and begin to burn on contact, eventually causing a second degree burn after a few seconds or more. Notable flames rise from the surface of an Object. | ||
Master | Experiences up to Expert-tier Tine / Enit or similar spells and events utilizing flame and electricity as if they were cast at a potency of a tier higher. Experiences enough discomfort from room temperatures that they will immediately put on a sweat and develop heat stroke within a minute unless exposed to a method of cooling; Objects are so hot they deliver a second degree burn instantly on contact. Brilliant frames rise from the Object, which glows white hot. | ||
Ascended | Experiences up to Master-tier Tine / Enit or similar spells and events utilizing flame and electricity as if they were cast at a potency of a tier higher. Experiences enough discomfort from room temperatures that they will immediately put on a sweat and develop heat stroke within a minute unless exposed to a method of cooling; Objects are so hot they deliver a third degree burn instantly on contact, burning through and melting through even solid steel with prolonged contact. Objects with this Porosis appear as if made from glowing plasma, yet they retain their form. |