Main Page

From Antarok

Welcome! This wiki is the main source of information on Antarok, the Forum RPG.

The World of Antarok.

Antarok RPG

If you are new to the world of Antarok, consult the Starting Guide.

Need assistance? Join us in our Discord Chat!

The Lore

Play by Post Collaborative Storytelling Game

Antarok is a freeform play-by-post forum roleplaying game with a tabletop-like character progression. Participants begin play by filling out a character sheet (CS) and then write from that character's point of view, wherever they may be in the world. They earn XP and Gold to spend on skills, abilities, and more. Antarok is designed with narrative freedom and diversity in mind, with a strong focus on collaboration and community - no matter your interests.

Your adventure is what you choose, be it a simple life or the exploration of arcane mysteries. Maybe you wish to tend to a herd of cattle and build a home far away from home? Our wish is to see your stories come to pass, humble or grand.

Steam, Darkness, and Fantasy

Antarok is set in a high fantasy world with fantasy, dark fantasy, and steampunk motifs scattered throughout. Much of our work is designed with aesthetic choice and traditional fantasy tropes in mind, to be an original and sometimes twisted take on familiar elements. You are encouraged to engage with the world and its denizens as you wish, provided that it does not trample upon the plots of your peers, that it follows Antarok lore, and that it remains accurate to what's written in your Character Sheet.

An Ethos of Communal Freedom

Creativity is valued and rewarded, and power fantasy is supported here. Staff exist to support you, not to limit what you can accomplish. You are free to fully include any element of our world, with plot approvals required only for obtaining Major Merits, and permissions from the community for engaging with the content under their domain, or any changes that might impact many narratives at once. There are fewer restrictions on NPCs, and anyone can begin play as a Dragon or have one as a companion. With creativity, empathy, and hard work, anything is possible.

The choice is yours.


Work in progress.